
Knowing Where to Go for Care: The South Bend Clinic Immediate Care Centers


Injuries and ill­ness­es often strike out of the blue, leav­ing patients unsure of where to turn for care. They have to deter­mine whether the prob­lem needs to be addressed right away or if it can wait until a pri­ma­ry care vis­it. In the event that care is need­ed after clin­ic hours, an ICC or ER may be able to assist. Dis­cov­er what con­di­tions could be treat­ed at an Imme­di­ate Care Center.

Stepping Into Better Health: Overcoming Plantar Fasciitis


Increased phys­i­cal activ­i­ty and new exer­cise rou­tines often lead to overuse injuries, with heel pain being a com­mon issue among new run­ners and walk­ers. Dr. Kline, a board-cer­ti­fied podi­a­trist, dis­cuss­es the caus­es of plan­tar fasci­itis, the impor­tance of appro­pri­ate footwear and train­ing sched­ules, and offers treat­ment strate­gies includ­ing rest, sup­port, and stretch­ing. He empha­sizes the role of a podi­a­trist in diag­nos­ing and treat­ing heel pain to help indi­vid­u­als achieve their health goals with­out setbacks.